Dealer Synergy Departments

Dealer Synergy is the Holistic Approach To Automotive Sales Success

Automotive Jobs near Philadelphia and South Jersey
Over 1500 Clients
Excellent Career Advancements

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The secret to our success is simpleā€¦ It is our people! Our team is made up of hardcore Automotive Sales Professionals with frontline experience in dealerships. Our Founder and President, Sean V. Bradley has 19+ years Automotive Sales experience, Starting on the showroom floor.

But what makes us truly unique is that in addition to our Automotive Sales Experience we have a tremendous amount of Video Production and Digital Marketing Experience on our Staff. On our creative side we have a team of ALL College Graduates (some with masters degrees).

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Dealer Synergy is an award winning, Recruiting, Training, Consulting & Accountability Company. For over 16+ years, Dealer Synergy has served the Automotive Sales Industry proudly. We have trained 3,000 Roof Tops, 104,000 Automotive Sales Professionals, Managers and Dealer Principals. We have generated OVER $1 Billion Dollars in additional Revenue for our Clients.

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